Safeguarding Statement

Dacorum Sports Trust will endeavour to:

  • Safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk who use our services and facilities.
  • Protect children, young people and adults at risk from neglect, physical, sexual and/or emotional harm whilst using our services.
  • Deal with all concerns and allegations of abuse seriously and respond swiftly and appropriately.
  • Seek to protect children with whom we come into contact, even if they are not being abused whilst actually using our services and facilities.
  • Work with partnership agencies and hirers of our facilities to raise awareness of Safeguarding issues.
  • Encourage partnership agencies and hirers of our facilities to adopt Safeguarding policies and procedures of their own.
  • Provide regular and appropriate training to raise awareness of Safeguarding issues.
  • Provide regular and appropriate training to maintain good practice regarding Safeguarding issues.
  • Recognise and honour the rights of Trust employees who are the subject of allegations.
  • Safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk who use our services and facilities.


For a copy of Dacorum Sports Trust’s Safeguarding Children Policy or to contact a member of the Dacorum Sports Trust Safeguarding Team  at any time, their details are:

  • Sarah Brooke, HR, Training & Payroll Manager 01442 952258
  • Elise Hyslop, Marketing & Communications Director 01442 952254